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Katy\\Records is 17 years old. We're excited about it!

Do you remember that old logo? Almost 18 years ago, after the death of my grandfather and, after nearly half a century, the subsequent closing of his iconic record store (Katy's Records of Chicago, Illinois), Katy\\Records Ministries was born. Can you believe how much time has passed?

By the blessings of our Creator, Katy\\Records is still here. Yes, we are still going strong, creating and distributing Biblically sound media as far as the reaches of the internet will allow. God be praised!

Go ahead and get excited! New seminars, music, kid's shows and literature will soon be here for the taking. Pray for us and if the good Lord impresses you, help pay for us. 100% of all donations will go directly into production costs, materials, broadcasts and more.

We love you. May you be filled with the joy and edifying presence of the One Creator God.


Top Stories

  • Pray. Go. Teach.
    New Seminars, Studies and Children's Courses!

    In the coming months, Katy\\Records will publish inspiring new seminars, motivating studies and courses designed specifically for children. Get ready for Betty Bumblebee, The Seven Churches, Practical Practices of Christianity & more!
  • Elias
    Elias releases long-awaited EP!

    Elias is our newest Holy Spirit led talent, comprised of Heather Willis-Dixon, Kwaun Dukes-Reese, Keisha Dukes and Rebekah Willis. If you haven't heard them, yet, have a listen here.
  • Support The Ministry
    Help keep KATY, Katy\\Records Radio on the air.

    Has God impressed you to donate to help keep this ministry growing and going strong? Are you looking for a way to help more people access the tools of ministry or learn more about what the Bible says? Please consider giving to Katy\\Records. 100% of your donation will go back into the practical costs of running KATY and publishing the Katy\\Records website resources.
    Make a fast and secure donation with Cash App.

Additional Resources

Elias is in your favorite digital music store! Find them on YouTube - Elias Sisters

Rebekah Willis is on Pandora, Amazon, iTunes & more!

Find KidVid on Pandora, Amazon and iTunes!